Thursday 8 December 2011

KNEE TENDONITIS - diagnosis, treatment, prevention


In diagnosing the actual cause of knee pain, several methods may be used:

A doctor conducts a physical examination and examines the response of the patient while inspecting the knee on areas such as swelling, redness and signs of misalignment, bruises and / or injuries. Likewise, legs, hips and other body joints are examined.

Diagnostic tests include, for example, X-ray tests or MRI scans, blood tests, joint aspiration (removal of knee fluid), and arthroscopy. X-ray tests, and in some cases, computer tomography, are used to detect fractures, dislocation, and changes in the knee joints.

The nuclear magnetic resonance tomography or magnetic resonance imaging uses powerful magnets to create computer images of the knee structure. This test can be used to map cracks in the ligaments, tendons and cartilage. A blood test can then be taken into consideration if you want to exclude infections and inflammations such as rheumatoid arthritis.

In a joint aspiration to the knee joint is the knee fluid (synovial fluid or joint water) withdrawn and examined under a microscope for signs of inflammation or infection. This procedure using local anesthesia to numb the area of the knee, and with a needle, the liquid is withdrawn.

As part of an arthroscopy , the surgeon inserts a small cut to the knee and leads an arthroscope into the knee (which contains a tiny camera that is connected to a monitor) one. In this way one can see that the patient has knee problem and fix it immediately if necessary.


The treatment of knee pain is variable and depends on the actual cause of the pain. 
Mild knee pain resulting from strain or minor injuries are best treated as follows:

Rest : Avoid any activities that could load and unload the knee where it can be. At best, the knee above the heart in position (eg lying down, and put a pillow under the knee).

Ice : As part of an ice treatment can reduce swelling, put on here at least 4 times a day ice (not directly on the skin), cool, and 15-20 minutes.

Topical applications and painkillers : eg knees rub Tiger Balm, Arnica balm Menthoneurin ointment, etc

Knee compresses or knee brace for relief and support the knee .

If the sufferer experiences extreme knee pain for several days, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. 


Not in all cases, you can prevent knee pain , however, it is quite possible to minimize the risk of injury by following the below mentioned tips:

  • Maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity
  • Regular exercise (including weight training and stretching)
  • Slowly increase the activity level
  • Good, quality shoes wear
  • Reduce or avoid any activity that may cause knee or joint pain.

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